
Kyle Ferris is a Cost Analyst at Tecolote Research, Inc. with 5+ years of relevant experience in cost estimating and data analytics work roles.  Mr. Ferris previously served as the WCAC of ICEAA Social/Service Committee Chair in which he has led the chapter in successfully organizing, planning, and facilitating 2 All-Member meetings and 5 social events since assuming the position in April 2022.  Successful planning and execution of these in-person events resulted in increased membership engagement and participation in social activities following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Other relevant leadership experience includes serving as the Team Lead for Tecolote’s Data Analytics Working Group (providing recurring data science and programming seminars for 90+ members) as well as serving as a Lead Instructor for Tecolote’s Data Science and Cost Estimating Training Programs. In addition, Mr. Ferris was the recipient of the WCAC’s 2021 Junior Analyst Award and was a member of the FEMA-EDAMI Cost Team that received the 2021 Team Achievement Award.

Leveraging his experience as the WCAC Social/Service Committee Chair, Mr. Ferris is motivated to apply his knowledge and continue serving the chapter as its secretary. Mr. Ferris’ specific objectives for the FY24-25 WCAC of ICEAA term include (1.) recruitment of formal Chapter Advocates and committee members to delegate detailed membership engagement and planning activities and (2.) Increase WCAC Chapter Award nominations/submissions from all chapter member organizations.

To address the above-mentioned objectives, Mr. Ferris will (1.) leverage existing connections with member organizations – developed through Social/Service event planning – to identify and recruit POCs that are willing/able to serve as Chapter Advocates and (2.) work hand-in-hand with the appointed Chapter Advocates to regularly advertise nomination requests and proactively dialogue with member organization leadership towards driving Chapter Award nominations.

In conclusion, Mr. Ferris enjoys engaging with the WCAC cost community, and aims to continue helping facilitate the planning and execution of chapter operations and events which inspire members to grow within an educational, inclusive, and fun community of professionals.
