The following survey results were collected from the Washington Capital Area Chapter (WCAC) of ICEAA. The goal of the survey was to gauge chapter Member’s preferences for the type of content, meeting format, and various other topics to better plan events over the preceding year. Survey responses were provided between 2022-11-11 and 2022-11-23 by 21 members (total active chapter membership during this date range was ~450).
Question 1: What type of events would you like to see from your Washington Capital Area ICEAA chapter, in addition to what National provides?
There is strong and equal interest between networking and traditional research/presentations events. Interest in training has waned compared to prior surveys.
Question 2: What type of content are you most interested in?
“Economic Analysis” and “Policy…” have jumped in interest compared to prior years with “Software Cost Estimating” near to top of the list (as always). “Visualization” training has fallen a bit from last year but remains near the top of the list.
Question 3: WWhat time(s) are preferred for ICEAA events?
Members clearly prefer “Social/Networking” after work while they prefer “Research/Presentations” and “Training” to occur during luncheons or web-based/on-demand. These preferences appear consistant with prior survays.
Question 4: How frequent should Washington Capital Area ICEAA chapter events be?
Members have a strong preference for social/networking type events to be quarterly. Opinions appear split between monthly and quarterly events for training and research/presentations.
Question 5: What location(s) do you prefer for ICEAA events (does COVID-19 change your preference)?
Most members continue to prefer training over the web and networking in-person. Although concerns over COVID-19 have somewhat abated compared to last year’s survey, there is still a desire from a significant number of members for in-person events to be either outdoors or well ventilated.