Presentations Archive


Month Presentation Presenter Company
August DAU Certification Requirements and Training Initiatives in the Cost Estimating Career Field Sharon Jackson MITRE
July High Maintenance Bryan Anderson Cibec
April China Strategic Choices Tool  Jack Bianchi CSBA
March A Practical Approach to Data Science and Data Analytics Tom Sullivan Herren Associates
  Conditions for Effective Use of Machine Learning Brian Wright OUSD
  Finding New Dimensions in Cost Estimating Pam Wood The Aerospace Corporation
  Data Science Cost Estimating Challenges: Cut Your Time in Hack! Lorraine Feury Booz Allen Hamilton
  Opportunities and Challenges of Publicly Available Data Elizabeth Bodine-Baron RAND


2018 Presentation Presented By Company
December Portfolio Analysis Integration Fana Gebeyehu-Houston DOE
November Costing Blockchains Harvey Reed MITRE
October Have All the Cost Estimates Already Been Done Jeremy Eden Booz Allen Hamilton
September Where Have All the Estimators Gone? Tom Dauber Cobec Consulting
August Social Media and and Submarines Omar Akbik Technomics, Inc.
July Cost of Cyber in the Cloud Zachary Jasnoff Price Systems, LLC.
May Cost Estimating and Analysis, not just for Weapons Systems, Any More Michael Thompson Galorath Federal
April SURF Process Update Marc Russo NCCA
January Overview of GAO Best Practices Guides and Audit Results Karen Richey GAOl


2017 Presentation Presented By Company
December Calculating a Project’s Reserve Dollars from its S-Curve (cost distribution) Marc W. Greenberg NASA
November Overview of the Cost FACTS (Factors, Analogies, CER’s & Tools/Studies) Group Dan Harper and Ruth Dorr MITRE
October The Shortcomings of Cost Estimating Templates Megam Gadreault and Faye Kim Harren
September Cost and Schedule Estimating Suite (CaSES) Nick Lanham NCCA/CAPE
July Cost Estimating within DHS Cost Analysis Division (CAD) Katie Geier Noreiga DHS CAD
May Modeling with Gumby: Pros and Cons of the Weibull Curve Jake Mender and Ann Hawpe NCCA
April Bottom Up Methods of Estimating Software SE/PM and Non-DCTI Costs James “Jay” Black HHS
March Failure to reason: Intuition and Decision Making Under Uncertainty Capt. Christopher Thomas AFCAA
February Better Cost Estimation through Radically Improved Risk Identification Laurie Wiggins Sysenex
January Applying Earned Value Management to Agile Software Development Programs Bob Hunt Galorath Federal


Month Presentation Presented By Company
October Weather Predictions and a Day in the Life of a Meteorologist Veronica Johnson WJLA/ABC7 Weather
September Selling Your Work: Improving Your Briefing Skills Troy Miller Tecolote Research
July Training Cost Analysts, a Cohesive Pedagogical Framework for Success Kammy Mann Herren Associates
May Estimating the Cost of the Aegis Flight III Test Platform Jeremy Goucher Herren Associates
April Electronics Board Cost Estimating Chris Brown PACER Corporation
March Outlier Analysis Marc Greenberg NASA
February Modeling Prediction Intervals using Monte Carlo Simulation Software Jay Black U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
January 10 Important Financial Planning Tips While You’re Still Working Mr. Scott Broaddus Virginia Asset Management


Month Presentations Presented By Company
September Introduction to the COSMIC Method of Measuring Software Mr. Bruce Reynolds Tecolote Research
November Bottom Up Methods of Estimating Depot Level Repairables Mr. Timothy Lawless NAVSEA 05C
October Early Phase Software Cost and Schedule Estimation Models Dr. Wilson Rosa NCCA
August Double Down: Cost Estimating in CEBoK and PMBoK Kevin Cincotta ICF International
July Facilitating Predictive Cost Analytics via Modelling V&V John Swaren PRICE Systems
May Cloud Computing Starter Kit: Cost and Business Case Considerations Raj Agrawal and Jennifer Manring MITRE
April A ‘Common Risk Factor’ Method to Estimate Correlations Between Distributions (addendum) Marc Greenberg NASA
March Using Stochastic Optimization to Improve Risk Mitigation Graham Gilmer Booz Allen Hamilton


Month Presentations Presented By Company
October GAO Earned Value Management (EVM) Best Practices and Recent Audit Findings Karen Richey GAO
September Modeling Software Maintenance Costs in the Operating and Maintenance (O&M) Phase: An Overview of Analytical Processes and Modeling Issues Greg Bell MCR
August The Cost Assessment Data Enterprise (CADE) Bess Dopkeen OSD CAPE
May Software Test Costs and Return on Investment (ROI) Issues Bob Hunt Dulos, Inc.
April Enhanced Scenario-Based Method (eSBM) for Cost Risk Analysis-eSBM Dr. Paul Garvey MITRE
April Enhanced Scenario-Based Method (eSBM) for Cost Risk Analysis-eSBM JCAP Published Dr. Paul Garvey MITRE
April Enhanced Scenario-Based Method (eSBM) for Cost Risk Analysis-Cost Risk MP Version Dr. Paul Garvey MITRE
March Analytical Program Management: Integrating Cost, Schedule, and Risk Graham Gilmer Booz Allen Hamilton
January A Method for Estimating the Cost of Joint Open Air Range (OAR) Test & Evaluation Programs Gregory Bell Navy


Month Presentations Presented By Company
September Methods to Analyze Services Portfolio Cost Drivers and Efficiencies Valarie Reinert & Ginny Wydler MITRE Corporation
July Cost Facts ICEAA Luncheon July 2013 Ruth Dorr & Daniel Harper MITRE Corporation
May Price-To-Win (PTW) A Cost Estimator’s Perspective Bob Hunt, Tom Sanders & Jon Kilgore Dulos, Inc./Seer/Kalman & Company Inc.
March Contract Pricing Steven Oxman US Navy/NCCA
February Capabilities-Based Portfolio Analysis Paul Gvoth & Brad Ellis Cask


Month Presentations Presented By Company
November NRO Program Assessments: Best Practices and Lessons Learned Linda Williams Wyle
August Probability Distributions for Risk Analysis Peter Braxton & Travis Manning Technomics Inc.
June Teaching Pigs to Sing: Improving Fidelity of Assessments from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) Peter Braxton & Richard Coleman Technomics Inc.
May Different Forms of Software Steven Oxman NCCA
April A Step-Wise Approach to Elicit Triangular Distributions Marc Greenberg DHS
Annual Meeting 2012 SCEA-WAC Annual Meeting Briefing David Stem, President AFCAA
January Data Normalization and Inflation-Data Collection, Normalization
Brian Welsh & Angela Camp Technomics Inc.


Month Presentations Presented By Company
November Contract Pricing Kevin Cincotta & Colleen Craig Technomics Inc.
October You Really Don’t Have to Lose a Million Dollars a Year Michael Thompson  
September The Infrastructure Service Provider (ISP) Cost Model Belinda Nethery & Kyle Thomas TASC Inc.
June Outreach: Experiences of a First Year Cost Estimating Team William R. Taylor DHS
May Development and Application of CV Benchmarks Brian Flynn Naval Center for Cost Analysis
March Using Regression Equations to Determine Cost Estimating Relationships for Software Development William Barfield Quantech Services Inc.
January Fat Tailed Distributions For Cost and Schedule Risk John Neatrour MCR LLC


Month Presentations Presented By Company
December Decisions, Decisions: Why You Oughta Use Borda Dr. Neal Hulkower MCR LLC
November Function Point Analysis: Introduction and Basic Overview as an Alternative to SLOC-based Estimation Tucker Moore TASC Inc.
October Economic Analysis    
September Probability Bounds Analysis for S-Curves Christopher Mehl & Michael Popp Omnitech Solution Inc. & NAVAIR 4.2 Cost Department
August Competition in DoD Systems Acquisition: Past Lessons and Future Considerations Brian Torgerson Technomics, Inc.
May The Impact of Globalization and Shifting Defense Priorities on the Defense Industrial Base Nayantara Hensel Department of Navy
March There Is No Such Thing as a Bad Estimate Joe Lukas PMCentersUSA


Month Presentations Presented By Company
October Initiatives for Cost Analysis in the Department of the Navy Captain James Baratta Naval Center of Cost Analysis
April Cost Aspects of SOA Geoffrey Pierce IAI


Month Presentations Presented By Company
November A Distribution Free Measure of the Significance of CER: Fit Parameters Established Using GERM Timothy Anderson MCR LLC
October Quantifying the Impact of Proposed Risk Mitigation Strategies: Does the Cost of the Mitigation Exceed the Cost of the Impact? Phil iBeenhouwer MITRE Corporation
September Numeracy for Cost Analyst Dr. Neal Hulkower MCR LLC
February NATO Independent Cost Estimating & Capability Portfolio Analysis Brian Flynn Naval Center for Cost Analysis
January Software Code Growth Based on an Analysis of Historical Actuals Robert Jones & Paul Hardin Technomics Inc.


Month Presentations Presented By Company
November Why Can’t We All Just Get Along: Lessons in Reconciling Cost Estimates Dr. Neal Hulkower & Lawrence Wolfarth MCR LLC
October Pre-Milestone-A Cost Estimating Martha Roper ODAS-CE
September DoD Cost Inflation Handbook
DoD Cost Users Guide
Greg Wise & Charles Cochran MCR LLC
February “Thin-Slicing” for Costers: Estimating in a Blink of an Eye Dr. Neal Hulkower MCR LLC
January KC-135 Analysis of Alternatives Mike Boito RAND Corporation


Month Presentations Presented By Company
November The trouble with Budgeting to the 80th Percentile Timothy Anderson Aerospace Corporation
October EVM for Cost Estimators John Driessnack & Dr. Neal Hulkower MCR LLC
May Risk Analysis & Estimating Uncertainty Phil Beenhouwer MITRE Corporation
February An Approach to Probablistic Modeling for Mixed Data Types with Missing Values Denna Ohwevwo & Brian Alford Booz Allen Hamilton


Month Presentations Presented By Company
September Changes in the Navy’s Buying Power: Evidence on Basic Questions (Unavailable) Jino Choi & Jim Jondrow CNA Corporation
May Function Point Analysis Ian Brown Booz Allen Hamilton
April Estimating Program Risk through Schedule Normalization Techniques Chris Beatty, Paul Tetrault, David LaChance Missile Defense Agency, The MITRE Corporation, MCR LLC
March Intelligence Reform Act Albertson Wyle


Month Presentations Presented By Company
November Navy Flying Hour Program Larry Stoll & Time Conley NAVAIR Cost Group
October Integrating Cost & Schedule Risk Analyses Jason Dechoretz MCR Federal
September Update on the Army’s OSMIS Kathleen O’Brien SAFM=CES
September Update on the Air Force AFTOC Gary McNutt Air Force Headquarters
September Update on the Navy’s VAMOSC Wendy Kunc Naval Cost Analysis Division
August The Shipbuilding & Force Structure Analysis Tool (Large File)
The Shipbuilding & Force Structure Analysis Tool (Small File)
Mark V. Arena & John F. Schank The RAND Corporation
March COTS Integration Costs Linda Brooks Northrop Grumman


Month Presentations Presented By Company
November Contractor Cost & Software Resources Reporting Ron Lyle & Gary Bliss Defense Cost and Resource Center
November 2A Introduction to Contracts
2B Introduction to Contracts
James Myers NAVAIR
October NCG Risk Process Timothy Anderson Aerospace Corporation